Aura Manifestation

Aura Manifestation

From the ethers,

An energy, intention, vision, hope, dream…

Moves through the layers of the aura as we work with it, making that which is unseen more real by bringing it down into the dimension of form.

With each choice point and decision, made consciously or unconsciously, we manifest.

I often quote Jenna Zoe, known as the mother of Human Design, and tell friends, students, and clients of mine,  “We cannot be married to the form of something.”

We cannot grasp so tightly to the form we think our manifestations will take, but rather devote ourselves to the energetic expression, the frequency of that which we desire. This is because materialization is the final step in the manifestation process.

This is why it’s important for us to get clear. Imagine the process of bringing ether into form. It moves down through the layers of your aura, and if on the way to you, it gets caught in an old thought form, a blanket of shame, or lost in a place of unconsciousness, the process of manifestation becomes clunky. In this state, our manifestations have to tread through rocky and rough terrain to get to us. Personally, I want my manifestations to have an easeful time getting to me! 

According to the system of Human Design, you are either designed specific and non-specific in your manifestation technique. Specific meaning that, like myself, you need to know all the details of what you’re calling in. For me, this is the practice of breaking up with the form, tuning in to the desire, to then have the details revealed as I tend to my aura- clearing, grounding out energy that’s not mine, calling in helpful frequencies- so that I may see and know that which I desire. When it’s clear and I can feel them close to me, it’s only a matter of being ready to accept it. 

For those designed to manifest non-specifically, it’s still the practice of breaking up with the form the mind creates from conditioning, tuning in to the the  f e e l i n g  you want, and being devoted to nurturing that feeling, giving it to yourself as often as possible. You don’t need the details or the specifics to know what you want.

What about feeling blocked?

Does a river say it’s blocked when a rock finds its way in their stream? Personally, I don’t believe we are ever truly ‘blocked.’ We can be redirected or in moments of necessary pause, the place where healing is being asked of us to address that feeling of stuck-ness or stagnation. That feeling is asking for our awareness so we can learn, heal, make amends with ourselves, to then come back into wholeness. When we don’t give these moments the awareness it needs, we create resistance. And I’m sure if you’ve read this far, you have heard that phrase “what we resists persists.” This is how we get into loops and play out outdated patterns. We’re just giving that thing we don’t want more of our energy. From here, we manifest the exact thing we’re resisting. It’s that feeling of holding, clenching, and being grabby with our manifestations. 

I like to see our manifestations as children. We birth them, but we don’t own them. They don’t truly belong to us, for they come from some place greater. They come through us.

So, sometimes shadow work is needed, yes, but sometimes all we need is permission to let it go. And we can’t let go if we’re holding and clenching.

Take a moment here to say hello to your aura.

This is your space.

How does it feel to be in your space?

Comfortable? Uncomfortable?


Cramped or spacious? 

Tune-in to your energy.

Where is it? 

Is it all right here with you?

Or have you left some of it in other places?

If you need to, you can close your eyes here to feel your energy before reading on to the next part. 

Take another moment, now, to play with your energy.
Maybe you bring more of it into your space,

Maybe you stretch your aura outward, forward, and back.

What happens when you do this?

Remember to breathe, for this is how you can find the present moment. 

Now that you’ve said hello to your own energy and found your aura, notice what is here. Don’t think. Feel into this.

What changes?

Can you locate any manifestations in your aura? You can ask them to be revealed to you with this remembered awareness.

Similar to taking care of our physical bodies- by giving them proper nourishment, enough rest, play, and the exercise that feels good to us, so too we must tend to our light bodies to reclaim our innate capacity to heal from within.

In an Aura Tending session, you have a unique opportunity to gently say hello to the truest aspect of yourself and process what you have been carrying in your energy field. Sometimes the holding patterns you find here have existed for days, weeks, months, years or have even been passed down generationally through the ancestral DNA. Our mind, body, heart, and spirit together- hold an incomprehensible, innate wisdom for healing. Even so, at times there is a need to seek help from a healing arts practitioner that is able to hold the space you need, and help you disrupt the cycle that may be perpetuating limiting beliefs, trauma, negative thought patterns, or anything that is not in alignment with the True You– the one who knows exactly who you are and why you are here.  

In an Aura Tending session, you will learn the practice of tending to your auric field (light body) with the help of the gifted eyes and ears of Sam Nacman, INDIGO Hanover’s resident healing arts practitioner, to welcome in your manifestations with more ease & greater synchronicity.

Written by Sam Nacman

Aura Tending and The Esoteric with Sam are 10% off for first time clients, and available to members at our membership discounted rates.

We invite you to book your appointment and inquire about mentorships with Sam if that feels aligned for you. Please bring your questions and curiosity to each session to explore together the wild wisdom of the ether.


Photos by Aura Theory at our 7 Year Anniversary Celebration (July 2023)

